A little more about me

woman in blue jumper

I was always a worrier and stressed person and over the years, I’d tried virtually every anxiety-busting technique going.

Meditation, deep breathing, yoga, “sitting on the sofa eating chocolate” (less well known to be honest) but I failed to find the peace of mind I craved and felt convinced that this state of underlying anxiety was with me for the rest of my life.

As I started to advance towards the BIG 50 things started to fall apart in my mind and the stress and anxiety started to ramp up a few notches. I would lie in bed every night worrying about every niggle and ache, my daughter's health, impending financial disaster and anticipated doom and disaster.

And all the time, I just kept trying to carry on as normal.

Then a couple of years ago, after a lifetime of studying self-development, I came across a very different understanding of where our experience of life comes from and I was amazed by the difference it made to me.

The feelings of anxiety and worry fell away and I felt calmer and more optimistic than I had for years.

I found a new sense of peace of mind and a trust in myself and the way in which my life is unfolding.

And whilst yes, I still have my ups and downs, deep down I know, that this feeling of calmness and peace is always there.

I'm now delighted to be able to share what I have discovered with you.


BSc psychology degree. NLP practitioner.

Former member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development for over twenty years.

Coach U graduate.

Former member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique.