Podcasts and Interviews

Welcome to my page with a selection of the interviews and podcasts I have been involved in. Just click on the image to listen.

Destressing Stress - conversation with Cynthia Wihardja of Radio Bath

19th April 2022

Length: 29 minutes

Using our Inner Wisdom to Make Us More Resilient to Stress

Podcast interview with Alix of Chickfit podcast on 19th July 2021. Length: 24 minutes

Dealing with stress and presuming our lives away

Podcast interview with Natalie of So that got me thinking podcast on 16th May 2021. Length: 16 minutes

Stress - how it impacts us and what we can do to help reduce it

Interview with Rachel Jewell Rachel Jewell coaching and One Woman’s Journey on 1st April 2021. Length: 30 minutes

Hopeful conversations: A different experience of midlife

Interview with Vicky Montague of Free From Limits on 18th January 2021. Length: 38 minutes

Interview with Tracey McBeath of The Health Evolution Collective on 9th December 2020. Length:47 minutes